They helped her set up her Christmas tree and hung all the ornaments. Abi and Brandon cooperated so well. Abi gave him ornaments that she thought he would like and help him when his ornaments wouldn't stay on the branches ... so sweet!

Abi was getting a "big girl" pedicure from Grandma when Brandon decided he wanted to play and stuck his feet in there with her. I thought she was about to go ballistic! But, she didn't. She seemed to enjoy soaking her feet with Brandon and even made a concerted effort to "make room for Brandon's feet." After seeing Abi sitting in a booster seat, Brandon insisted I bring his booster seat so he could "sit like Abi."

They tried this a total of 3 nights and were actually able to go to sleep only once. The other two nights, someone had to be moved to stop the giggling and whispering. It was fun to listen to them having such a good time together, though!

Camryn ate a few snacks over the weekend because her tooshie was getting a little too flat! Ha! Aren't those precious cheeks!! She did cut her first tooth this weekend! No more toothless grin in our house. I am very sad!

I feel so blessed that I was able to be there for all of those special moments.. I sincerely believe that I will remember the sound of those little giggles over the monitor after they were told NUMEROUS times to go to sleep! Sweet times...
that's funny...I love the 'quick prayer' before climbing up on the bed, that made me laugh ;-)...and the pedicure, how sweet was that!
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