Sunday, September 12, 2010

End-of-Summer Fun

This weekend has been full of end-of-summer fun. It hasn't been terribly hot, so we've been able to enjoy playing on the playset, blowing bubbles, climbing trees, playing in mud puddles, hitting the t-ball, drawing with sidewalk chalks, and driving/riding all things with wheels. I love watching them just be kids!
To finish off the wonderful weekend, Grandpa came for a visit (to fix our air conditioner -- thank goodness for Grandpa!!) And he bought Abi and Brandon new bikes! Abi has just learned to ride her smaller bike without training wheels but had obviously outgrown the bike. So, she and Brandon both got to pick out a new bike at the store, ride it out to the car, and haven't stopped riding them since! They rode their bikes all afternoon at home, with their friends Courtney and Lindsey in their neighborhood, and even in the parking lot of the clinic when we went to do treatments tonight. Brandon has already said that he doesn't want to brush his teeth or eat breakfast in the morning ... he just wants to ride his bike! Abi was a little wobbly at first on the bigger bike with no training wheels, but by evening, she was riding like a pro!
Their new bikes
Cam playing in a puddle -- safety style. Brandon made her wear a helmet, "in case you slip down in the slick mud!"
My two big monkeys in a tree!Abi got to try out Lindsey's new four-wheeler tonight, too!

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