I just saw some of the most remarkable behaviors from my children .... it didn't involve arguing, name-calling, hitting, pinching, hair-pulling, or yelling! I'm still feeling numb with shock!
Brandon, Camryn, and I went to Abi's class to take popsicles for their reading kickoff celebration. While we were waiting for Abi's class to be ready to go outside, Brandon pulled up a chair for himself
and for Camryn to sit patiently. Camryn suddenly announced while holding herself and dancing on her toes, that she had to go to the potty.
Abi volunteered to take her to the bathroom and even helped her wash her hands. When Abi's class went outside, Brandon, of course, wanted to go with them. He bravely asked Mrs. Hansen if he and Camryn could go, too. On the way out, both Brandon and Camryn walked down the hall in perfect "traveling position," which was extremely cute. Once outside,
Brandon helped Camryn open her popsicle, and
Abi helped Brandon across the monkey bars, pushed him on the swings, and held hands with him while they walked around the playground.
Why in the world can we not get a little more love at home? :o) It sure was heart-warming to watch!